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trailing & hanging plants

Check out our favourite hanging plants which can cascade from a shelf or drape from a hanging pot.

Order the perfect trailing houseplants to transform your indoor space.

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pet friendly Ceropegia woodii (8cm pot) - grow urban. UKCeropegia woodii (8cm pot) - grow urban. UK
Ceropegia woodii (8cm pot)

String of Hearts

Sale price£7.95
easy care Epipremnum 'Global Green' - grow urban. UKEpipremnum 'Global Green'
Epipremnum 'Global Green'

Global Green Pothos

Sale price£9.95
easy care Epipremnum aureum - grow urban. UKEpipremnum aureum - grow urban. UK
Epipremnum aureum

Golden Pothos

Sale price£8.95
easy care Epipremnum aureum (14cm hangpot) - grow urban. UKEpipremnum aureum (14cm hangpot) - grow urban. UK
Epipremnum aureum (14cm hangpot)

Golden Pothos

Sale price£17.95
easy care Epipremnum ‘Marble Queen’ - grow urban. UKEpipremnum ‘Marble Queen’ - grow urban. UK
Epipremnum ‘Marble Queen’

Marble Queen Pothos

Sale price£9.95
easy care Epipremnum ‘Marble Queen’ (hangpot) - grow urban. UKEpipremnum ‘Marble Queen’ (hangpot) - grow urban. UK
Epipremnum ‘Marble Queen’ (hangpot)

Marble Queen Pothos

Sale price£22.95
Hoya 'Mathilde Splash'Hoya 'Mathilde Splash'
Hoya 'Mathilde Splash'

Wax Plant

Sale price£12.95
Hoya australis ‘Lisa’Hoya australis ‘Lisa’
Hoya australis ‘Lisa’

Wax Plant

Sale price£12.95
Hoya linearis (hangpot) - grow urban. UKHoya linearis
Hoya linearis

Porcelain Flower

Sale price£25.95
pet friendly Maranta 'Lemon Lime'Maranta 'Lemon Lime' - grow urban. UK
Maranta 'Lemon Lime'

Prayer Plant

Sale price£12.95
shade tolerant Monstera adansonii (hangpot)Monstera adansonii (hangpot)
Monstera adansonii (hangpot)

Monkey Mask

Sale price£19.95
easy care Peperomia ‘Hope’ - grow urban. UKPeperomia ‘Hope’ - grow urban. UK
Peperomia ‘Hope’

Acorn Peperomia

Sale price£12.95
pet friendly Peperomia ‘Hope’ (hangpot) - grow urban. UK
Peperomia ‘Hope’ (hangpot)

Acorn Peperomia

Sale price£17.95
easy care Philodendron brandtianum - grow urban. UKPhilodendron brandtianum - grow urban. UK
Philodendron brandtianum

Silver Leaf Philodendron

Sale price£14.95
easy care Philodendron scandens (hangpot)Philodendron scandens (15cm hangpot) - grow urban. UK
Philodendron scandens (hangpot)

Sweetheart Plant

Sale price£22.95
easy care Philodendron ‘Brasil’ (15cm hangpot) - grow urban. UKPhilodendron ‘Brasil’ (15cm hangpot)
easy care Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ - grow urban. UKScindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ - grow urban. UK
Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’

Satin Pothos

Sale price£9.95
easy care Scindapsus ‘Argyraeus’ (14cm hangpot) - grow urban. UKScindapsus ‘Argyraeus’ (14cm hangpot) - grow urban. UK
Scindapsus ‘Argyraeus’ (hangpot)

Satin Pothos

Sale price£19.95
Senecio rowleyanus (12cm pot) - grow urban. UKSenecio rowleyanus
Senecio rowleyanus

String of Pearls

Sale price£12.95
pet friendly Tillandsia usneoides [Spanish Moss] - 45cm - grow urban. UKTillandsia usneoides [Spanish Moss] - 45cm - grow urban. UK
Tillandsia usneoides (45cm)

Spanish Moss

Sale price£14.95
pet friendly Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish Moss) (90cm) - grow urban. UKTillandsia usneoides (90cm) - grow urban. UK
Tillandsia usneoides (90cm)

Spanish Moss

Sale price£19.95
Tradescantia 'Nanouk' (7cm pot) - grow urban. UKTradescantia 'Nanouk' (7cm pot) - grow urban. UK
Tradescantia 'Nanouk'

Inch Plant

Sale price£6.95
Tradescantia zebrina - grow urban. UKTradescantia zebrina - grow urban. UK
Tradescantia zebrina

Inch Plant

Sale price£8.95