we love sharing our best plant care tips and updates from our urban jungle. Follow our plant gurus on YouTube to stay up to date and let us guide you to grow healthy happy plants.
plant care
The Maranta Family. Our popular houseplants and how to best care for them.
The Maranta Family. Our popular houseplants and how to best care for them.
How to water your indoor plants. Top 3 tips by Grow Urban.
How to water your indoor plants. Top 3 tips by Grow Urban.
Spring care tips. how to repot your plants for spring
Spring care tips. how to repot your plants for spring
Monstera deliciosa. care tips for our popular house plant
Monstera deliciosa. care tips for our popular house plant
Peperomia. Plant care tips for this pet friendly houseplant.
Peperomia. Plant care tips for this pet friendly houseplant.
Philodendrons. care tips for this popular leafy plant
Philodendrons. care tips for this popular leafy plant